Going from Overwhelmed....to in the Zone

Going from Overwhelmed....to in the Zone

January 24, 20232 min read

You know that feeling when you are stressed, have got so much to do, but just aren’t able to focus…Which then stresses you more.

Your screen is probably open with multiple windows, perhaps you already have people sending follow-up emails, and instead you are scrolling through LinkedIn or Instagram….procrastinating.

Can you relate?

Well let me tell you that how you are responding makes complete sense. Part of what is happening is a natural evolutionary protection response. You are stressed, so your brain goes into protection mode to conserve energy so you can fight off that lion later.

But if you are reading this, it’s likely that you don’t need to prepare your brain for fighting off a lion, so what can you do to shift up your energy and keep moving forward?

The keys are recognising the state you are in and taking immediate action.

But how do you make that happen?

Here is my methodology for whenever I or my clients land in this state:

1.       Acknowledge that you are overwhelmed. Take 5 minutes to step away from your phone and computer and recognise that there’s a lot going on. Put the achiever and ego aside for a minute that keeps telling you that “you need to have it together”, and just be kind to yourself.

2.       Come back to your desk and create a detailed list of the tasks that need to get done. Be as specific as you  can, detailing actions rather than a generic statement such as “work on x project”

3.       Block out distractions for the next 30 minutes. Put your phone away, turn off email notifications, and get started with a task on your list. Pick whichever you want, the key is to commit to immediate action.

The reason why I love this methodology is that the immediate action builds confidence, momentum, and focus. Apply this process and I know you will very quickly find yourself back in the zone.

So, it’s time to start being kind to yourself and stop being frustrated for losing time and focus – you are human, and this is normal. However it’s also time to stop letting your overwhelmed state get the better of you, which is what these simple tips will enable you to do.

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Yasmin Tamara

Yasmin Tamara is a coach, educator & speaker for ambitious achievers who are letting their stress and career eat away at their health, relationships, confidence & energy.

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