Struggle with making decisions?

How to make decision making easier

February 08, 20232 min read
  • Do decisions just totally freak you out?!

  • Do you find yourself seeking out the opinion of others to help you?

  • Or maybe you feel like you are constantly in a cycle of thinking, and OVERTHINKING everything?

The thing is, THINKING is certainly a good trait to have. It shows your responsible nature, that you care and the value of a decision to you.

However, OVERthinking can lead you to a state where decision making feels almost like torture.

The feelings of fear and anxiousness build up, which means that you procrastinate over making a decision, which further fuels those worries, and your brain starts thinking about future scenarios that are completely out of your control.

Ultimately at this point your brain tells you that the safest option is not to make a decision…..and you stay stuck in this spiral.    

Do you know the cycle I’m talking about?

If you are reading this and feel like you regularly find yourself in this pattern, let me tell you that you are not alone.

There are multiple factors that are fueling your need to make the “RIGHT” decision, something that I work on extensively with my ambitious and perfectionistic clients.

However, to get you started on this journey, here are 3 practical tips to shift you out of the thinking and into the doing:

1.      Give yourself a time limit on when you need to decide by. When you don’t have a deadline, your thoughts can often get the better of you. A deadline however moves you into constructive thinking mode. This helps you be more pragmatic, practical and action-oriented with your thinking, building your energy and confidence to back your decision.

2.      Stop asking for too many inputs. Whilst it’s great to have advice, having too much advice can often lead to confusion, which sparks more worry and fear. Give yourself the space and time to think through your decision through for yourself.

3.      Ask yourself the reflective question:what is the decision the me 6 months from now would wish I had made?” In so many instances, we know the decision we want to make, however we are stuck in the cycle of overthinking, rather than actively moving forward and making it. Thinking forward and reflecting back will allow you to see this clearly for yourself and give you the confidence to make it now.

Keep these tips handy for the next time you find yourself in this spiral, and if decision making and overthinking is something that you find regularly trips you up, click on the link below to book in for a 30 minute complimentary success call. It’s time to break free from this pattern and use your energy to move you forward.


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Yasmin Tamara

Yasmin Tamara is a coach, educator & speaker for ambitious achievers who are letting their stress and career eat away at their health, relationships, confidence & energy.

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