Are you falling into the Productive Obsession Trap?

Are you falling into the Productive Obsession Trap?

January 10, 20232 min read

  • Do you feel uncomfortable when you don’t have something planned or that “needs” doing?

  • Does an empty to do list gives you more stress and or a feeling of uselessness, compared to when you have 101 things written down?

  • Do you tell yourself and others that you “thrive off being busy”?

If you are reading these statements with a smile on your face, let me introduce you to the concept of the productive obsession.

The productive obsession is the need I see in perfectionistic and ambitious individuals to always be “doing”. It’s the kick that you get out of being “productive” at every second of the day.

This kick also leads to an immense sense of satisfaction and the feeling of being valued and useful. It’s likely your drive “to do” leads others to think of you as dedicated, hard-working and motivated. Are these words that others have used to describe you?

The issue with the productive obsession however is that it has the tendency to push you to burn the candle at both ends. The desire "to do" distracts you from the larger and bigger rocks sitting on your plate. Often you also end up helping other people with their to do lists before getting to your own.

Is this ringing any bells for you?

If the answer is yes, it’s time to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

It’s time to prove to yourself that it’s safe to exist without being productive and without “doing” every second of the day.

A few practical tips to help you out:

1.      Identify your critical path list and start your day with these items first: Sit down and separate out your critical items from your “nice to do” items. Then, front end your day with those higher priority tasks rather delving straight into the satisfaction of ticking the “nice to do” items off your list.

2.      Prioritise efficiency over productivity: Rather than getting satisfaction from being productive, start thinking through how you can be more efficient with your work and your day. Reward and prioritise efficiency in your mind rather than celebrating how “productive” you have been.

3.      Leave empty time in your schedule: Give yourself the opportunity to have unstructured and empty time. Allow yourself to see that your value and success aren’t going to diminish, and it’s actually safe to exist without having "to do” all of the time.

The productive obsession is the norm for many high-achievers and perfectionists. We are living in a culture where long hours and chronic exhaustion are normalised—if not celebrated—by many individuals and workplaces.

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Yasmin Tamara

Yasmin Tamara is a coach, educator & speaker for ambitious achievers who are letting their stress and career eat away at their health, relationships, confidence & energy.

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